Jun 2, 2019
Learning new things as adults can be challenging, but also fun. Besides the usual topics, Marsha learns how much fun driving can be. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: TwoEwesFiberAdventures.com. Join the community on Ravelry or email us at twoewes@twoewesfiberadventures.com or contact us on our website.
Marsha finished the pullover Cobblestone by Jared Flood for her brother. She washed and blocked it but he want the sleeves 1” shorter so some ripping back will have to be done.
She used New Lanark Mill DK she bought in Scotland last year. It is nice to knit with and and becomes more beautiful after washing.
She also made progress on her T-shirt, Lace Market by Marie Greene. She finished the yoke and joined the body. She is using a linen yarn call El Linio by Schoppel
Kelly has been working on the Assam by Laura Chau. She is using Sockotta held double. It looks like she will have enough yarn. She also finished a pair of shortie socks.
Kelly had some sad news to report. She had to say good-bye to her almost 15-year old yellow lab, Ruedy. Anyone who has lost a pet knows how hard this is, but it was time.
While Marsha's car is in the shop she ended up with a Dodge Challenger as her rental car. Who knew driving a muscle car was so much fun!
(K)Not Along! The Two Ewes will be starting a challenge for fiber projects that are NOT knitting, crochet, spinning, or weaving. The NOT (or KNOT) Along will start on May 31 and goes through August 31.